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FTPGetter Standard Boxshot
FTPGetter Standard
FTPGetter Professional Boxshot
FTPGetter Professional
FTPGetter Portable Boxshot
FTPGetter Portable
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Supported Operating Systems:Windows®11 (x86/x64), Windows®10 (x86/x64), Windows®8 (x86/x64), Windows®7 (x86/x64), Windows®Server 2022, Windows®Server 2019, Windows®Server 2016, Windows®Server 2012 R2, Windows®Server 2012, Windows®Server 2008, Windows®Server 2003
SFTP - SSH file transfer protocol
xterm, vt100, vt220 Terminal emulator
Standart FTP
Work as Windows Service

This is an evaluation version. Use it for free for 15 days or register right now to access all features and benefits of the registered version (read about evaluation version limitations below). After downloading, install FTPGetter on your PC.

Start your free trial

On a mobile device? Download FTPGetter later from your Windows computer.

We'll send a email to get you started.


If you downloaded the installation kit as a ZIP archive, extract its contents to a desired folder and run setup.exe. If you downloaded the installation kit as an EXE file, simply run this file.Follow the installation wizard instructions. After FTPGetter is successfully installed, run it.

The FTPGetter evaluation version has the following limitations:

An unlimited number of FTP sever profiles can be created, however only the firsttwo profiles in the list work.